I've been so slow to get things done this year! It's time to do some catching up so here we go.....Aidyn & Hollyn will celebrate their 100th day of kindergarten this week. It's going so quickly. They are still loving their dance class. After Christmas they got to start using the "bar" in their class. They have long awaited the time they would be "old" enough for this and now it's here. In reality, they were excited the first week and now it's already old news! We found out last week that their dance recital theme is a Circus and their class will be the ringmasters! Now they are anxious to see their costumes--so am I! Back to school--they are reading like champs! This week in their reading time they both chose a chapter book instead of something easy to tackle. We're so pleased with them. We've also started a new "responsibility" chart for a few chores and they are doing so well. They are making their beds, setting the table and picking up their toys every day. Houston is a doll, a busy one, as usual. He has been talking so much lately and has had some potty success this week even though we're not training yet. I found this earlier in the week when making dinner....

This would be Mr. Darcy, our beloved stuffed dog--in the refrigerator of course! Found at exactly Houston height.
We took the girls ice skating during Christmas break. They loved it. Of course now they would like to take ice skating lessons. They may not ever need them. They skated pretty awesome for their first attempt.
After about 20 minutes they took off on their own.
There were some falls along the way (some intentional), but no tears, just smiles.
A few kisses from Daddy will make anyone smile!
Look at the grace and technique!
We also had a chance to play in the little bit of snow we got.
Pure joy and sweetness.
Last, but certainly not least.....
Aidyn on January 16th, 2011......
Aidyn on January 17th, 2011. Interesting little bit of info about our teeth--The girls' teeth all came in opposite of each other. Hollyn would get a tooth on the right side and then Aidyn would get the same tooth on the left. Now, Hollyn lost a tooth on the right and Aidyn lost a tooth on the left. We'll see if it keeps happening the same way. Pretty cool!
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